Thursday, September 9, 2010

Some truth about chemtrails

On September 2, 2010, The Train interviewed Ottawa-based chemtrails information activist Sylvain Henry. Mr. Henry has a science degree, is part of the "Skies of Blue" network, and authored the Facebook group "Mass Action Demand: Chemtrails".

The Facebook group asks that members ask their national leaders for answers about chemtrails. After dozens of email over several months, the Canadian Prime Minister's Office has not even acknowledged Mr. Henry's inquiries.

The discussion was informed by Train host Dr. Denis Rancourt who is a physicist, an environmental scientist, and a recognized expert in environmental nanoparticles.


  1. Look into JP8 Fuel. PM or email me and I'll put tell you where it was discussed.

  2. My name is Jérémie, i'm from france and i listened this really interresting interview..We need to be listened about chemtrails and also get answers from the peoples who do that, it's nice to see that a radio accepted to speak of that because people need know the truth about all they do in our back...and also chemtrails are in too much place through the world and people dont know what is that, this interview dont give answer about what the put in our sky, but let know to people that it's not normal plane trail that something is happening and maybe if more and more people interrest theirself about that and ask about, we'll finally get the answers we want and ask for since a moment.


All non-anonymous comments are welcome.